English Version 53
Saturday 24.05.08
Wuchang, Wuhan
I wake up during the night because of some moscito bites that itches
terrible. Get up early to transfer my diary to the PDA. I`m so much
behind with the English version, but catching up with the Danish one.
I wake up Burghard as I promised. Later we go to find him a ticket for
the bus to where he`s going next and a new hotel for the night. We`re at
all the bus stations and ticket offices in the area, but at last we
succeed. We go to ask for the price in a hotel that someone in the
street said was cheap: 618 RMB. He can get a discount to 588. There you
see what they think of western tourists, money like grass.
We have to hurry back to pack before 12. Go looking for The Marine Hotel
which according to LP should be nice and cheap and English speaking. If
we didn`t know better one could have thought it was the one we stayed at
according to the map. There`s also a Chinese name which we ask for. When
we find it, it`s obvious it was difficult because it`s through something
that`s to be described as a construction site up some stairs. I put most
of my luggage in his room and we take the bus to Hankou at the other
side of the river. The hotel is just opposite the railway station, so
everything fits.
We walk a bit, find a net cafe and eat New Zealand lamb in a restaurant,
where there`s an aquarium under the tables glass surface. The fishes are
not part of the menu though. Afterwards we end up in the pets market
down at the river. There are pets of all kinds: dogs, cats, rabbits,
birds and fishes. A chow-chow with a blue tongue is a very fine one
according to Burghard and so it is probably with the different kinds of
birds I do not know. Some of the fishes are really weird. There are
flowers and plants and enormous bowls and all the usual stuff: Mao,
Buddha and Laotse.
We go back cross the river by a ferry and walk the 3 km back to the
hotel. I pack (and forget my white t-shirt with the long sleeves, so now
I have an excuse for visiting Burghard) and are guided to the train and
eat on the way. Say goodbye to my latest friend Burghard, I`m sure we`ll
meet again.
In the train station the waiting room is divided for the different
trains. My brother phoned me while I was eating and I couldn`t hear a
thing, he`ll phone me again soon. I go to the toilet and there we have a
conversation without too many problems. When I come back part 7 for
Beijing has left and I hurry to catch up with them. The last numbers on
the ticket are 17 and 18. I show my ticket to another passenger and she
points and I understand that 17 is the number of the wagon so 18 must be
the compartment number. I`m going to sleep in the bottom bed. Under my
bed there`s room for luggage, but everyone take it to their beds so I`ve
plenty of room.